Boards & Committees

Council Meeting Minutes                            Other Meeting Minutes

    Annual Meeting 2014                                    March 2014 Deacons

    February 2014                                               March 2014 Trustees

    March 2014

        2014 Capital Spending Report



Christian Education

                Sunday School Curriculum

Missions & Concerns











1. Membership. The Board of Trustees shall consist of nine members elected by the congregation for a term of three years in such manner that the term of three members shall expire each year. After serving one full elected term, a Trustee shall be ineligble for re-election for a period of one year. Ex-officio members shall include the Chairperson of the Budget Committee, the Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer.
2. Duties. The Board of Trustees shall have care and custody of the property of the Church
and charge of its financial affairs. The Board of Trustees shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or in any way transfer title of Church property without specific authority by vote of the congregation. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the development, maintenance and protection of Church property, for ways and means of financing the Church and its program, including the every-member canvas, for auditing the financial reports of the Church, and for exceptional uses of Church property. The Board of Trustees may appoint special committees within itself, as needed, to carry out these duties.
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1. Membership. The Diaconate shall consist of twelve members elected by the congregation for a term of three years in such manner that the term of four members shall expire each year. After serving one full elected term, a member shall be ineligible for re-election for a period of one year.
2. Duties. It shall be the duty of the Diaconate to assist pastoral staff in ministering to the spiritual needs and interests of the congregation and community. The Diaconate shall assist in the preparation and administration of the Sacraments; maintain the Church roll; receive and act upon all applications for membership; secure the enlistment of new members into the fellowship, activities and worship of the Church, while maintaining the rapport and activity of existing members; assist, when appropriate, in planning the order of worship for regular and special occasions, and do everything possible to foster a worshipful attitude in the Church; assume responsibility for hospitality and visits to Church members. The Diaconte may appoint special committees within itself, as needed, to carry out these duties.
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1. Membership. The Board of Christian Education shall consist of nine members elected by the congregation for a term of three years in such manner that the term of three members shall expire each year. After serving one full elected term, a member shall be ineligible for re-election for a period of one year. Membership on the Board shall include a Church School teacher. The Church School Superintendent and a Pilgrin Fellowship advisor shall be ex-officio members.
2. Duties. The Board of Christian Education shall direct and supervise the Christian education program of the Church; appoint and remove teachers upon the recommendation of the Church School Superintendent; cooperate with pastoral staff in developing and implementing the Confirmation class; develop and implement other Christian education activities. The Board of Christian Education may appoint special committees within itself, as needed, to carry out these duties.
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1. Membership. The Board of Mission and Concern shall consist of nine members elected by the congregation for a term of three years in such manner that the term of three members shall expire each year. After serving one full elected term, a member shall be ineligible for re-election for a period of

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Standing Committees. The following standing committees of the Church shall be established; BUDGET; CHANCEL; HISTORICAL; MEMORIAL GIFTS; MUSIC; NOMINATING; PASTORAL RELATIONS; PUBLICITY; SUNSHINE. The chairperson of each standing committee shall be elected by the congregation for a term of one year. After serving three full terms, a chairperson shall be ineligible for re-election for one year; for the Historical, Memorial Gifts and Sunshine Committees, however, this provision is waived. The term of service for committee chairpersons may be terminated by resignation or release upon recommendation of the Church Council.

The members of each standing committee shall be chosen annually by the chairperson of each committee after consultation with the Nominating Committee. Retiring chairpersons shall present their sucessors with a record of technical aspects involved in a year's work.


The Budget Committee shall be responsible for preparing proposals for the annual budget of the Church, for approval by the Church Council and the Annual meeting of the congregation. Each ministry of the church needing appropriations shall present recommendations which the Budget Committee will use as a guide in developing the proposed budget
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The Chancel and Sanctuary Committee shall see that the facilities used for public worship are attractively arranged for each service and that all appointments needed in the service are in order. The Chancel and Sanctuary Committee shall provide for ushering service
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The Historical Committee shall keep a journal of all events and occurrences of interest to the Church. The Chairperson or another member of this committee shall be eligible for recommendation to membership in the Historical Society of the United Church of Christ, as a representatives of the Dunbar United Church in its sustaining membership
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The Memorial Gifts Committee shall receive all memorial gifts; immediately and appropriately acknowledge them; enter in the Book of Remembrance the donors name, date and commemoration if desired; report any new gifts at the following meeting of the Church Council. When a memorial gift is made in the form of money, and its uses is unspecified by the donor, this Committee shall have care and custody of it, and make a recommendation for its use to the Church Council for approval at an early date. The Memorial Gifts Committee shall maintain a list of appropriate memorials, for the information of prospective contributors. When a gift is obsolete or beyond use this Committee shall so advise the donor, if possible, thus allowing replacement or reclaiming if so desired. Otherwise this committee shall retire it. A record of memorial gifts and the Church's practice concerning their use should be passed on to succeeding chairpersons. No memorial plaque or other means of naming a donor shall be attached to a specific memorial
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The Music Committee shall be responsible for Church and Church School music, working in cooperation with pastoral staff. Professional musicians shall be secured, and appropriate remuneration shall be secured, by the Music Committee. This Committee shall maintain a choral music library and oversee the regular necessary maintenance of the Sanctuary organ and pianos owned by the Church.
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The Nominating Committee shall prepare, prior to each Annual Meeting, a list of nominations for all elective positions for the following year. The list shall be presented in written form to every active and voting member of the Church at least one week prior to the Annual Meeting
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The Pastoral Relations Committee shall be available to provide information about needs in the congregation to the pastoral staff, and to interpret needs of the pastoral staff to the congregation. This Committee shall consult with the pastoral staff and review the effectiveness of the Church's ministry and program at least annually. This Committee shall be responsible for the annual recommendation to the Budget Committee for the salary, health insurance, pension program, benefits, vacation and sabbatical leave provisions of the pastoral staff.
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The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for media announcements and coverage of Church meetings and activities. This committee shall keep a file of Church news and newspaper clippings of Major events.
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The Sunshine Committee shall keep informed and act upon situations calling for the expressions of the Christian love and concern of the congregation.
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This site was last updated 09/14/18